Being a Custom Cooling Solution Company, Our quality products & affiliates play an important role in our sucess
Process Cooling
Modern industry's increasing levels of sophistication and capital
investment imply that highest precision with zero downtime are an
absolute must for an economically viable process. MTA's cooling
solutions, developed specifically for industrial users, perfectly answer
industry's need for precise temperature control and absolute
reliability, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The cost of not
implementing the optimized solution far exceed the cost of an optimized
MTA industrial cooling solution.
Commericial Cooling
An Air Conditioning system is a challenge and an opportunity. Increasing
energy efficiency and decreasing environmental impact; providing
comfort to human beings and improving their well-being, every day
without interruption; providing a solution which is flexible to the
needs of each individual application. At MTA we are dedicated to
offering our Customers all this, and more...
Compressed Air Dryers
The optimum compressed air and gas treatment solution can only be
achieved by the application of a complete treatment network. MTA offers
an extensive range of solutions which, by working together in perfect
harmony, ensure that your compressed air will be perfectly free of
condensate, oil and other impurities. Elevated efficiency, reduced
downtime and maintenance costs and improved product quality to all
individual User needs. Advanced patented technologies ensuring the most
energy efficient solution.
BIO Gas Treatment
Biogas is a renewable and environmentally friendly energy source. Biogas
is obtained thanks to the anaerobic digestive reaction of renewable raw
materials including biomasses, animal waste and agro-industrial waste
disposals. This biological process does not deteriorate the overall CO2
balance and represents a positive contribution to the reduction of
greenhouse effects. MTA meets the specific technical needs of Biogas
plants thanks to an extensive range of dedicated Biogas solutions,
including the innovative EnerDyer, dedicated low pressure heat
exchangers, a comprehensive range of water chillers and FC4TAE Dry